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    February 3, 2023
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Henri Gourd 914-954-3897 system purity recycling äisem wastewater treatment dirty sanitati sludge purification sewa AB1000 clean tank waste treatment pollution industrial pipesedimentation sewer sewage treatment water wastewater What is a "perc test"? In cases where a home is not connected to a municipal sewer system to discharge wastewater, an underground sewage disposal, or septic, system is required. However, the location and design of the system must be determined by a licensed engineer and approved by the local health department. water newplant environment One of the first steps in the design of the system is to conduct a "perc test" to make sure the soil is of an acceptable depth and composition so wastewater can drain into the ground in a safe manner and not contaminate surrounding sources of fresh water. Scan for video BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY Home Servi New England Properties At the risk of over-simplifying the process, this test is actually conducted in two parts: the first is to dig a deep hole (around 6') to analyze the various soil types and determine the presence of ledge and depth of the water table. The second step is to dig a much smaller hole within the proposed leeching field and measure the rate at which water drains. The local sanitarian or health official must be on site to observe the soils and conduct the tests. Click the QR code to see a short video of these tests. Selling it all, from cottages to castles! Henri Gourd 914-954-3897 system purity recycling äisem wastewater treatment dirty sanitati sludge purification sewa AB1000 clean tank waste treatment pollution industrial pipesedimentation sewer sewage treatment water wastewater What is a " perc test " ? In cases where a home is not connected to a municipal sewer system to discharge wastewater , an underground sewage disposal , or septic , system is required . However , the location and design of the system must be determined by a licensed engineer and approved by the local health department . water newplant environment One of the first steps in the design of the system is to conduct a " perc test " to make sure the soil is of an acceptable depth and composition so wastewater can drain into the ground in a safe manner and not contaminate surrounding sources of fresh water . Scan for video BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY Home Servi New England Properties At the risk of over - simplifying the process , this test is actually conducted in two parts : the first is to dig a deep hole ( around 6 ' ) to analyze the various soil types and determine the presence of ledge and depth of the water table . The second step is to dig a much smaller hole within the proposed leeching field and measure the rate at which water drains . The local sanitarian or health official must be on site to observe the soils and conduct the tests . Click the QR code to see a short video of these tests . Selling it all , from cottages to castles !