
James Arthur Greenleaf, Jr. was born in New London, Connecticut on February 10, 1969, the son of James and Patricia Greenleaf. He was followed a year later by his brother, Peter Greenleaf. He attended grammar school in the Quaker Hill District of Waterford and Great Neck elementary when his parents relocated to Robin Hill Road. In 1983, Jim entered his freshman year at St. Bernard High School in Uncasville where he played football and track, excelled in academics, and graduated in the top 2% of his class. Always adored by his peers, he was voted “Most Handsome” and “Best Dressed.” In 1987, Jim entered Connecticut College where he majored in Political Science and pursued rugby. Jim graduated with Honors and began a successful career as a foreign currency trader in New York City. In 1999, Jim accomplished an incredible goal by completing the New York City Marathon in three hours, thirty-seven minutes, and thirty-one seconds. Over the years, Jim has had a tremendous influence upon numerous lives. From the family he cherished, to the friends that admired and respected him, his life serves as an inspiration to others. We hope the establishment of the James A. Greenleaf, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund will continue to keep Jim in all our hearts and minds by providing other young people the opportunity to reach their own potential in the manner we so admired in Jim. The James A. Greenleaf, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund, Inc. has been established to honor and remember a dear family member and friend who lost his life as a result of the catastrophe which occurred in New York City in 2001. The fund is used to provide financial assistance to students attending St. Bernards High School as well as graduating seniors from Waterford High School, Fitch High School and New London High School towards their college tuition.

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