Community Bridge Clinic Community. Health. Connection. Getting your flu shot is more important than ever. GET YOUR SHOT NOW. IT'S NOT TOO LATE. The flu can have serious complications, especially for people with diabetes, heart disease, and other medical conditions. Getting your shot can help you stay healthy, protect others, and stop the spread. Call (860) 437-4550 to schedule your appointment today. Community Bridge Clinic 7 Vauxhall Street, New London, CT Child & Family Agency in The Community Bridge Clinic is a program of Child and Family Agency of Southeastern CT, Inc. a nonprofit organization. Community Bridge Clinic Community . Health . Connection . Getting your flu shot is more important than ever . GET YOUR SHOT NOW . IT'S NOT TOO LATE . The flu can have serious complications , especially for people with diabetes , heart disease , and other medical conditions . Getting your shot can help you stay healthy , protect others , and stop the spread . Call ( 860 ) 437-4550 to schedule your appointment today . Community Bridge Clinic 7 Vauxhall Street , New London , CT Child & Family Agency in The Community Bridge Clinic is a program of Child and Family Agency of Southeastern CT , Inc. a nonprofit organization .