
Benjamin Franklin Hoxie was born in Shamrock R.I., and spent his boyhood days there. After attaining his majority, he went to Westerly, R.I., and was employed in W.A. Hoxie’s store. When the railroad was put through from Providence, he secured the contract to supply the workmen with merchandise. When he came to Mystic he became interested in the lumber business in association with Joseph Cottrell, and while in that business, formed a partnership with George W. Ashbey & Co., to engage in a grocery and ship chandlery business in Mystic. In 1849-50 he went to California and, as half owner of the schooner “Anthem,” engaged in freighting from San Francisco to Sacramento for some two years. In 1852 he returned to Mystic, and soon after engaged in ship building, with Maxon, Fish & Co. at the old field yard. One of the largest vessels they built was the “B. F. Hoxie.” They built many brigs and schooners which they put into the coasting trade. In 1859 Mr. Hoxie sold his interest in the Maxon, Fish &co. In 1858 he built the Washington Hall where his first store was located and after purchasing the Hiram Clift property, built the present “Hoxie House,” giving sixteen feet of the land to make the street straight. This public spirited act was much commended. The B. F. Hoxie Hose Company, was named in his honor, as he was the leading spirit in its formation. It was with sincerest regret that his fellow citizens learned of his death in March, 1898, although he was full of years, reaching the age of eighty-nine. The first successful fire company to form in the lower Mystic villages was the Mystic Bridge Fire Engine Company in 1846, which only lasted for a few years. Another fire company, Mazeppa #1, named for its engine, was located on Holmes Street. In 1875, the first permanent company was the B. F. Hoxie Steam Fire Engine Company, named in honor of the generous donations of Benjamin F. Hoxie, who owned a considerable amount of property around the engine house. In 1878, dissention in the Hoxie Engine Company ranks led to the creation of the Mystic Hook and Ladder Company across the river. A year later, these two private companies became tax-supported organizations with the creation of the Mystic Fire District by the Connecticut State Legislature. In 1915, the district installed a town fire alarm system, which was followed by the creation of a fire police force in 1922 and the purchase of a radio in 1924.

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