MADISON PROPERTY OWNERS DON'T MAKE THIS MISTAKE IGNORING 6 OPENING HILL RU-1 SPECIAL EXCEPTION FILING Section 5: Rural Districts Sec. 5 RU-1, RU-2, SINGLE FAMILY RURAL RESIDENCE DISTRICTS 5.1 PURPOSE The purpose of these districts is to set aside and protect areas which have been or may be developed predominately for single family dwellings on large lots in a rural setting. Certain other uses are also permitted as-of-right or by Special Exception, subject to adequate conditions and safeguards. It is intended that all uses permitted in these districts be compatible with single family development and consistent with local street characteristics, the use and protection of private water and sewer facilities (where public facilities are unavailable) and the level of other public services. It is hereby found and declared, further, that these regulations are necessary to the protection of these areas and that their protection is essential to the maintenance of a balanced community of sound residential areas of diverse types. (Town of Madison: ZONING-SUBDIVISION%20Regs%202023-16-03_202304110908287840.pdf ZONING REGULATIONS SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ZONING MAP, page 57) 6 OPENING HILL ROAD (NEW HAVEN NONPROFIT BUSINESS) SPECIAL EXCEPTION FILING: PARTIAL LIST OF PROPOSAL SEVEN DAYS A WEEK MEETINGS UP TO 12-FREQUENCY UNLIMITED FOUNDATION STAFF LAND/LAWN SERVICES PORTABLE LAVATORIES GALA EVENTS UP TO 150 PHILANTHROPIC & EDUCATIONAL GATHERINGS 13-25 ATTENDEES MORE PERSONNEL & MORE TRAFFIC LECTURERS, PRESENTERS, INSTRUCTORS HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES ARTIST RESIDENCES-ON SITE HOSTING OTHER NON-PROFIT BOARD/BUSINESS MEETINGS FOOD SERVICE WASTE/RECYCLING SERVICES SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE (NO ON-STREET PARKING) VOLUNTEERS * TWO LANE NARROW COUNTRY RD * NO STREET LIGHTING * HISTORY OF MISHAPS & INJURIES LOCATION * BLIND CURVE * NARROW BRIDGE (21 Ft Wide) * HISTORY OF AUTO ACCIDENTS * PRONE TO FLOODING * BETWEEN 2 SCHOOLS-SOON 3 * AUTO ACCIDENT THURSDAY 6/13/24 WHAT MISTAKE? THIS CAN'T HAPPEN IN YOUR FAMILY NEIGHBORHOOD! HELP US PROTECT ALL OF OUR FAMILY NEIGHBOROODS!! YOUR VOICE MATTERS! JOIN US! THURSDAY JULY 18TH 7 PM (VERFIY) TOWN CAMPUS (TENTATIVE) PAID ADVERTISEMENT MADISON PROPERTY OWNERS DON'T MAKE THIS MISTAKE IGNORING 6 OPENING HILL RU - 1 SPECIAL EXCEPTION FILING Section 5 : Rural Districts Sec . 5 RU - 1 , RU - 2 , SINGLE FAMILY RURAL RESIDENCE DISTRICTS 5.1 PURPOSE The purpose of these districts is to set aside and protect areas which have been or may be developed predominately for single family dwellings on large lots in a rural setting . Certain other uses are also permitted as - of - right or by Special Exception , subject to adequate conditions and safeguards . It is intended that all uses permitted in these districts be compatible with single family development and consistent with local street characteristics , the use and protection of private water and sewer facilities ( where public facilities are unavailable ) and the level of other public services . It is hereby found and declared , further , that these regulations are necessary to the protection of these areas and that their protection is essential to the maintenance of a balanced community of sound residential areas of diverse types . ( Town of Madison : ZONING - SUBDIVISION % 20Regs % 202023-16-03_202304110908287840.pdf ZONING REGULATIONS SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS ZONING MAP , page 57 ) 6 OPENING HILL ROAD ( NEW HAVEN NONPROFIT BUSINESS ) SPECIAL EXCEPTION FILING : PARTIAL LIST OF PROPOSAL SEVEN DAYS A WEEK MEETINGS UP TO 12 - FREQUENCY UNLIMITED FOUNDATION STAFF LAND / LAWN SERVICES PORTABLE LAVATORIES GALA EVENTS UP TO 150 PHILANTHROPIC & EDUCATIONAL GATHERINGS 13-25 ATTENDEES MORE PERSONNEL & MORE TRAFFIC LECTURERS , PRESENTERS , INSTRUCTORS HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES ARTIST RESIDENCES - ON SITE HOSTING OTHER NON - PROFIT BOARD / BUSINESS MEETINGS FOOD SERVICE WASTE / RECYCLING SERVICES SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE ( NO ON - STREET PARKING ) VOLUNTEERS * TWO LANE NARROW COUNTRY RD * NO STREET LIGHTING * HISTORY OF MISHAPS & INJURIES LOCATION * BLIND CURVE * NARROW BRIDGE ( 21 Ft Wide ) * HISTORY OF AUTO ACCIDENTS * PRONE TO FLOODING * BETWEEN 2 SCHOOLS - SOON 3 * AUTO ACCIDENT THURSDAY 6/13/24 WHAT MISTAKE ? THIS CAN'T HAPPEN IN YOUR FAMILY NEIGHBORHOOD ! HELP US PROTECT ALL OF OUR FAMILY NEIGHBOROODS !! YOUR VOICE MATTERS ! JOIN US ! THURSDAY JULY 18TH 7 PM ( VERFIY ) TOWN CAMPUS ( TENTATIVE ) PAID ADVERTISEMENT