Legal Notice Guilford Inland Wetlands Commission The Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer took the following action: APPROVED: Joe Scherer, property located at 95 Crestwood Dr, Map 83, Lot 15-72, Regulated Activity; replacement of septic tank and dry well for water conditioner within Guilford Inland Wetlands Commission 100-foot upland jurisdiction review area of a wetland and or watercourse. Dated at Guilford Connecticut this 3rd day of August 2022. Jeff Parker, Chairman Legal Notice Guilford Inland Wetlands Commission The Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer took the following action : APPROVED : Joe Scherer , property located at 95 Crestwood Dr , Map 83 , Lot 15-72 , Regulated Activity ; replacement of septic tank and dry well for water conditioner within Guilford Inland Wetlands Commission 100 - foot upland jurisdiction review area of a wetland and or watercourse . Dated at Guilford Connecticut this 3rd day of August 2022 . Jeff Parker , Chairman