Prices effective thru May 31st SUPER Liquors Patron Silver Tequila 750 ml $39.99 Corona Family 12 Packs Assorted 12 oz bottles $1599 PATRON SHORELINE LIQUORS 40 BOSTON POST ROAD, WATERFORD CT. 860-574-9088 750ml Ripe Margarita Mix :or Mojito, Cosmo RIPE & more Fishers Island Lemonade FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @SHORELINESUPERLIQUORS Corona 4 Packs Extra 12 oz can $14.9 ALAVE MARGARITA OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY 8pm-9pm & SUNDAY 10am-6pm SUPERLIQUORSCT.COM on-line ordering shipping local delivery or pick up at store Celebrate Fishers Lemonade Cinco de Mayo - May 5th Kentucky Derby - May 6th the Season! Mother's Day - May 14th Gerard Bertrand cote de roses Rose 750ml $15.9 cateroses Coors Light or Miller Lite 30 Packs 90 Coors Plus Rosé LIGHT 12 oz can 750ml $2499 $9.99 All Items Subject To Availability. Not Responsible For Typographical Errors. Woodford Reserve Bourbon cy Official Bourbon of Derby 750 ml $35 99 Lite 90 ROSÉ Mengin Bud & Bud Light Bua 24 Packs 12 ozbil $19.99 Jim Beam Bourbon 750 ml $17.9 BUD LIGHT BEAM JIMB SCH BOURBON RECAT Prices effective thru May 31st SUPER Liquors Patron Silver Tequila 750 ml $ 39.99 Corona Family 12 Packs Assorted 12 oz bottles $ 1599 PATRON SHORELINE LIQUORS 40 BOSTON POST ROAD , WATERFORD CT . 860-574-9088 750ml Ripe Margarita Mix : or Mojito , Cosmo RIPE & more Fishers Island Lemonade FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @SHORELINESUPERLIQUORS Corona 4 Packs Extra 12 oz can $ 14.9 ALAVE MARGARITA OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY 8 pm-9pm & SUNDAY 10 am-6pm SUPERLIQUORSCT.COM on - line ordering shipping local delivery or pick up at store Celebrate Fishers Lemonade Cinco de Mayo - May 5th Kentucky Derby - May 6th the Season ! Mother's Day - May 14th Gerard Bertrand cote de roses Rose 750ml $ 15.9 cateroses Coors Light or Miller Lite 30 Packs 90 Coors Plus Rosé LIGHT 12 oz can 750ml $ 2499 $ 9.99 All Items Subject To Availability . Not Responsible For Typographical Errors . Woodford Reserve Bourbon cy Official Bourbon of Derby 750 ml $ 35 99 Lite 90 ROSÉ Mengin Bud & Bud Light Bua 24 Packs 12 ozbil $ 19.99 Jim Beam Bourbon 750 ml $ 17.9 BUD LIGHT BEAM JIMB SCH BOURBON RECAT