Dominion Energy Millstone Power Station By the Numbers IMPACT MILLSTONE STATION PROVIDES 47% of Connecticut's electricity 90%+ of Connecticut's carbon-free electricity LOW-COST, CARBON-FREE AROUND-THE-CLOCK POWER 16.8 million MWHs of low-carbon electricity annually enough to serve the yearly needs for almost 2 MILLION HOMES preventing CO, emissions equivalent to 470,000 CARS Dominion Dominion Energy Millstone Power Station By the Numbers IMPACT MILLSTONE STATION PROVIDES 47 % of Connecticut's electricity 90 % + of Connecticut's carbon - free electricity LOW - COST , CARBON - FREE AROUND - THE - CLOCK POWER 16.8 million MWHs of low - carbon electricity annually enough to serve the yearly needs for almost 2 MILLION HOMES preventing CO , emissions equivalent to 470,000 CARS Dominion