VISIT US AT ONE OF OUR 3 LOCATIONS! Hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm, Sat 9am - 2pm Affordable A F FO RDA BL E GRANITE Cabinets, Granite & Tile Cabinets Countertops Flooring Tile Kitchen Fireplace Bathroom Outdoor Living Commercial Residential WALLINGFORD1S. Colony Rd. (203) 456-9787 NORTH HAVEN 11 Leonardo Dr. (203) 456-9783 GRAND OPENING! BRANFORD 2 Liesl Lane (203) 680-9641 FINANCING AVAILABLE! up to 18mo Int. FREE! SEASONAL SPECIAL SEASONAL SPECIAL CABINETS & COUNTERTOP COUNTERTOP SALE as low as $118/mo for 18mo." Only $4,995! Only $1,995! Up to 45 Sq. Ft. Granite as low as $295/mo for 18mo." Includes CABINETS best t price, the t have AZUL PLATINO BIANCO FORTALEZA DALLAS WHITE NEW CALEDONIA PRICE BEAT GUARANTEE WHITE ESPRESSO GRAY 6 GRANITE color options SANTA CECILIA LIGHT UBATUBA and Undermount Sink *Call or visit our store for detalls. 6 GRANITE color options and Undermount Sink "Call or Visit Our Store for Details. ***** Affordable Cabinets Expires 4-30-21. Affordable Granite Expires 4-30-21. *Financing upon applicant approval. Some restrictions may apply. Call showroom for details. we'W beat i VISIT US AT ONE OF OUR 3 LOCATIONS! Hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm, Sat 9am - 2pm Affordable A F FO RDA BL E GRANITE Cabinets, Granite & Tile Cabinets Countertops Flooring Tile Kitchen Fireplace Bathroom Outdoor Living Commercial Residential WALLINGFORD1S. Colony Rd. (203) 456-9787 NORTH HAVEN 11 Leonardo Dr. (203) 456-9783 GRAND OPENING! BRANFORD 2 Liesl Lane (203) 680-9641 FINANCING AVAILABLE! up to 18mo Int. FREE! SEASONAL SPECIAL SEASONAL SPECIAL CABINETS & COUNTERTOP COUNTERTOP SALE as low as $118/mo for 18mo." Only $4,995! Only $1,995! Up to 45 Sq. Ft. Granite as low as $295/mo for 18mo." Includes CABINETS best t price, the t have AZUL PLATINO BIANCO FORTALEZA DALLAS WHITE NEW CALEDONIA PRICE BEAT GUARANTEE WHITE ESPRESSO GRAY 6 GRANITE color options SANTA CECILIA LIGHT UBATUBA and Undermount Sink *Call or visit our store for detalls. 6 GRANITE color options and Undermount Sink "Call or Visit Our Store for Details. ***** Affordable Cabinets Expires 4-30-21. Affordable Granite Expires 4-30-21. *Financing upon applicant approval. Some restrictions may apply. Call showroom for details. we'W beat i