461 GREENHAVEN ROAD, PAWCATUCK $425,000 One of the original homes built by the Stanton family in 1753 sits on 1.23 acres. This antique brings you back in time with its exposed beams, wide board floors and three hearths. Lucia Johnstone 860-912-4144 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOME SERVICES NEW ENGLAND PROPERTIES Complimentary Market Analysis and Advisory Services. Call, Text or Email so we can help you sell or buy your next home. luciajohnstone@bhhsne.com LICENSED IN CT & RI Henri Gourd 914-954-3897 henrigourd@bhhsne.com Stonington Office: 156 Water St., Stonington, CT 06378 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC B OPPORTUNITY 461 GREENHAVEN ROAD , PAWCATUCK $ 425,000 One of the original homes built by the Stanton family in 1753 sits on 1.23 acres . This antique brings you back in time with its exposed beams , wide board floors and three hearths . Lucia Johnstone 860-912-4144 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOME SERVICES NEW ENGLAND PROPERTIES Complimentary Market Analysis and Advisory Services . Call , Text or Email so we can help you sell or buy your next home . luciajohnstone@bhhsne.com LICENSED IN CT & RI Henri Gourd 914-954-3897 henrigourd@bhhsne.com Stonington Office : 156 Water St. , Stonington , CT 06378 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates , LLC B OPPORTUNITY