Our mission is to find the most qualified candidates for our clients. Our recognition of, and appreciation for, the needs of our medical professionals, and our clients, promotes successful employment relationships. We recruit the best, and we retain the best. That’s why The Nurse Network is “A Match Made in Healthcare”™.
The Nurse Network is more than just a nationwide healthcare staffing agency. We are your partner in multiple facets of your human resource department. The Nurse Network holds a time-tested reputation as a highly experienced, dependable provider of quality healthcare professionals. We assist healthcare facilities looking to fill challenging healthcare staffing needs. As your healthcare recruiting partner, we will provide you with qualified candidates to fill all of your part time, full time, per diem and travel healthcare staffing need
We will assist in analyzing your specific healthcare staffing needs and develop a cost effective plan to reduce your healthcare recruiting expenses and aggregate payroll costs. We are capable of managing your healthcare recruiting, as well as many of your human resource functions. We have the experience, systems, healthcare consultants and a history of success to effectively and efficiently recruit high quality healthcare professionals.
Our staff will dedicate all the time necessary to provide you with quality medical professionals so that you can spend your time ensuring quality care and better outcomes for your patients.