William Pitt Sotheby's INTERNATIONAL REALTY DON'T FORGET TO Spring Ahead Though it may still feel like winter, spring is just around the corner-and so is the spring housing market! Now is the perfect time to start preparing your home, so you're ready when the prime real estate season arrives. If you're considering selling, I'd love to discuss the current market and how we can ensure your home gets the attention it deserves. Trust the world's leading luxury real estate brokerage to assist you through every step of the process. Reach out to me today! timerello tammy SKILLED CALM ONE STEP AHEAD tammytinnerello.com Real Estate Advisor, Licensed in CT & RI Serving the CT and RI Shoreline c: 860.867.6120 | o: 860.434.2400 | ttinnerello@wpsir.com Old Lyme Brokerage: 103 Halls Road, Old Lyme, CT 2020-24 Diamond Award Winner, Old Lyme Brokerage* SCAN FOR MORE INFORMATION *Source: William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty 2023 Awards Recognition, Old Lyme Brokerage. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. William Pitt Sotheby's INTERNATIONAL REALTY DON'T FORGET TO Spring Ahead Though it may still feel like winter , spring is just around the corner - and so is the spring housing market ! Now is the perfect time to start preparing your home , so you're ready when the prime real estate season arrives . If you're considering selling , I'd love to discuss the current market and how we can ensure your home gets the attention it deserves . Trust the world's leading luxury real estate brokerage to assist you through every step of the process . Reach out to me today ! timerello tammy SKILLED CALM ONE STEP AHEAD tammytinnerello.com Real Estate Advisor , Licensed in CT & RI Serving the CT and RI Shoreline c : 860.867.6120 | o : 860.434.2400 | ttinnerello@wpsir.com Old Lyme Brokerage : 103 Halls Road , Old Lyme , CT 2020-24 Diamond Award Winner , Old Lyme Brokerage * SCAN FOR MORE INFORMATION * Source : William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty 2023 Awards Recognition , Old Lyme Brokerage . Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated .