Eastern equot Tribal Nation LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR THE FEDERAL RECOGNITION OF THE HISTORICAL EASTERN PEQUOT TRIBAL NATION Eastern Pequot Indian Reservation Since 1683 9 We Eastern Pequots are a proud and distinguished Nation. We are pleased and grateful when so many of the residents of our surrounding communities ask for ways that they can help us. In this election season which urges many people to formulate, question and express their positions on a variety of political and emotional issues, here is one vitally important way you can support us. As many know, the Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation (EPTN) suffered an unprecedented ruling when our Final Determination for Federal Acknowledgement was unjustly reversed in 2005. This was due to pressure from the State of Connecticut, several of its cities and towns, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). Their collective efforts followed an insidious series of steps to block EPTN from ever being federally recognized, and therefore unable to seek the relief, development, and protection we deserve - an act equivalent to genocide. You can show your support for EPTN by demanding the State and the BIA honor the fact that we satisfied all seven criteria for acknowledgment as a Tribe, and therefore deserve to have the Final Determination of the Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs upheld. Please follow these simple steps: 1. Access our letter to BIA Assistant Secretary Bryan Newland through the QR code below, or by going to our website https://www.easternpequottribalnation.org/news You will see the letter which details the many biases and injustices EPTN has suffered at the hands of the State and Federal governments. 2. 3. Please print and sign it as indicated, then send it to Mr. Newland at the address on the letter. OUR SINCEREST THANKS AND BLESSINGS FOR STANDING WITH US IN DEMANDING THAT THE HISTORICAL EASTERN PEQUOT TRIBE'S FEDERAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IS UPHELD. Eastern equot Tribal Nation LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR THE FEDERAL RECOGNITION OF THE HISTORICAL EASTERN PEQUOT TRIBAL NATION Eastern Pequot Indian Reservation Since 1683 9 We Eastern Pequots are a proud and distinguished Nation . We are pleased and grateful when so many of the residents of our surrounding communities ask for ways that they can help us . In this election season which urges many people to formulate , question and express their positions on a variety of political and emotional issues , here is one vitally important way you can support us . As many know , the Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation ( EPTN ) suffered an unprecedented ruling when our Final Determination for Federal Acknowledgement was unjustly reversed in 2005. This was due to pressure from the State of Connecticut , several of its cities and towns , and the Bureau of Indian Affairs ( BIA ) . Their collective efforts followed an insidious series of steps to block EPTN from ever being federally recognized , and therefore unable to seek the relief , development , and protection we deserve - an act equivalent to genocide . You can show your support for EPTN by demanding the State and the BIA honor the fact that we satisfied all seven criteria for acknowledgment as a Tribe , and therefore deserve to have the Final Determination of the Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs upheld . Please follow these simple steps : 1. Access our letter to BIA Assistant Secretary Bryan Newland through the QR code below , or by going to our website https://www.easternpequottribalnation.org/news You will see the letter which details the many biases and injustices EPTN has suffered at the hands of the State and Federal governments . 2 . 3. Please print and sign it as indicated , then send it to Mr. Newland at the address on the letter . OUR SINCEREST THANKS AND BLESSINGS FOR STANDING WITH US IN DEMANDING THAT THE HISTORICAL EASTERN PEQUOT TRIBE'S FEDERAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IS UPHELD .