|Goodwill goodwill SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND AUGUST 24TH 8 AM 9 PM SUPER SATURDAY SALES 50%OFF EVERYTHING GOOD STUFF. GOOD PRICE. GOODWILL BRANFORD CHESHIRE CLINTON | GROTON | HAMDEN | MIDDLETOWN NEW BRITAIN | NORWICH | ORANGE | PLAINVILLE | ROCKY HILL s. ATTLEBORO, MA | SOUTHINGTON | WALLINGFORD | WESTVILLE Excludes red ticketed items, new goods and mattresses. Cannot be combined with any other offer Discount given at checkout. Valid for in-store items only fGoodwillSNE GOODWILLSNE.ORG d832631 |Goodwill goodwill SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND AUGUST 24TH 8 AM 9 PM SUPER SATURDAY SALES 50%OFF EVERYTHING GOOD STUFF. GOOD PRICE. GOODWILL BRANFORD CHESHIRE CLINTON | GROTON | HAMDEN | MIDDLETOWN NEW BRITAIN | NORWICH | ORANGE | PLAINVILLE | ROCKY HILL s. ATTLEBORO, MA | SOUTHINGTON | WALLINGFORD | WESTVILLE Excludes red ticketed items, new goods and mattresses. Cannot be combined with any other offer Discount given at checkout. Valid for in-store items only fGoodwillSNE GOODWILLSNE.ORG d832631