Florist Quality POINSETTIAS Hundreds to choose from 99 $59 Growing Quality Plants Since 1935 Fresh Cut TREES Fraser Firs Hundreds of Trees hanging under cover! Shop early for Best Crop Ever best selection Quality Landscape & Garden Center BELLA (203) 248-5086 Nurseries, inc. HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 9-5; Sun. 9-4 1301 Hartford Tpke. North Haven Between Rte. 22 & Dixwell Ave. VISA CYCLAMEN Cemetery Greens, Bursting $999 Blankets, with blooms & up LIVE FRESH PINE ROPING By the Yard or Full Rolls BOWLING CHRISTMAS TREE STANDS The last stand you will ever buy! Pillows & Pots POTTED HOLIDAY TREES $29.99 GREAT SELECTION OF HOUSE PLANTS & up Florist Quality POINSETTIAS Hundreds to choose from 99 $ 59 Growing Quality Plants Since 1935 Fresh Cut TREES Fraser Firs Hundreds of Trees hanging under cover ! Shop early for Best Crop Ever best selection Quality Landscape & Garden Center BELLA ( 203 ) 248-5086 Nurseries , inc . HOURS : Mon. - Sat . 9-5 ; Sun. 9-4 1301 Hartford Tpke . North Haven Between Rte . 22 & Dixwell Ave. VISA CYCLAMEN Cemetery Greens , Bursting $ 999 Blankets , with blooms & up LIVE FRESH PINE ROPING By the Yard or Full Rolls BOWLING CHRISTMAS TREE STANDS The last stand you will ever buy ! Pillows & Pots POTTED HOLIDAY TREES $ 29.99 GREAT SELECTION OF HOUSE PLANTS & up