WIC IS MORE for Mom and Baby TVCCA FOOD & NUTRITION WIC PROGRAM TVCCA provides food and nutrition support services for women, and infants and children under age five in New London County, through the CT Department of Health's federally funded WIC Program. WIC can provide assistance to: Pregnant women, breastfeeding women, caregivers who have an infant or child under the age of five Residents in Connecticut Families that are at or below 185% of poverty level TVECA) WIC provides access to: FREE healthy groceries Thames Valley Council for Community Action, Inc. . . IF YOU HAVE HUSKY A, SNAP OR CASH ASSISTANCE, YOU AUTOMATICALLY QUALIFY! For more information please call: NEW LONDON - 860-425-6620 | NORWICH - 860-425-6562 FREE breastfeeding support FREE nutrition counseling TVCCA.ORG This institution is an equal opportunity employer Esta institución es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. WIC IS MORE for Mom and Baby TVCCA FOOD & NUTRITION WIC PROGRAM TVCCA provides food and nutrition support services for women , and infants and children under age five in New London County , through the CT Department of Health's federally funded WIC Program . WIC can provide assistance to : Pregnant women , breastfeeding women , caregivers who have an infant or child under the age of five Residents in Connecticut Families that are at or below 185 % of poverty level TVECA ) WIC provides access to : FREE healthy groceries Thames Valley Council for Community Action , Inc. . . IF YOU HAVE HUSKY A , SNAP OR CASH ASSISTANCE , YOU AUTOMATICALLY QUALIFY ! For more information please call : NEW LONDON - 860-425-6620 | NORWICH - 860-425-6562 FREE breastfeeding support FREE nutrition counseling TVCCA.ORG This institution is an equal opportunity employer Esta institución es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades .