Is your bank packing up and leaving town for good? If your bank has decided to close its doors for good in the local area, you too have the liberty to make some changes when it comes to where you bank. If you still value a real, local community banking experience, Dime Bank is welcoming customers who have had enough - just like we have for more than 150 years. It's your bank. Your choice. Your Dime. Dime O Bank EST. 1869 | MEMBER FDIC Community Banking Lives Here" Colchester East Lyme Glastonbury Ledyard | Manchester Montville New London Norwich: Broadway. Corporate, Norwichtowni Stonington Borough | Taftville | Westerly, RI /FO00G Is your bank packing up and leaving town for good? If your bank has decided to close its doors for good in the local area, you too have the liberty to make some changes when it comes to where you bank. If you still value a real, local community banking experience, Dime Bank is welcoming customers who have had enough - just like we have for more than 150 years. It's your bank. Your choice. Your Dime. Dime O Bank EST. 1869 | MEMBER FDIC Community Banking Lives Here" Colchester East Lyme Glastonbury Ledyard | Manchester Montville New London Norwich: Broadway. Corporate, Norwichtowni Stonington Borough | Taftville | Westerly, RI /FO00G