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CITY OF NEW LONDON Water & Water Pollution Control Authority NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Sec-21-323-Charges-for-metered-water-furnished-outside-ty Control Authority will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 6:30 teplied and furnished by the city through metered servi pm at the New London Senior Center, 10 Brainard Street, (formerly 120 Broad Street-rear), New London, CT on proposed revisions to the existing Water & Water Pollution Control Authority Ordinance and the Rate Schedules. A hearing all users of water and sewer services, property owners serviced by Notice is hereby given that the City of New London, Water & Water Pollution Overterly billing the City of New London Water & Water Pollution Control Authority, and other First-the interested parties shall have an opportunity to be heard and written communi2000000 cations relative to the above will be received and conside The dollar amounts of the proposed increases to the existing rate schedules are set forth below. Copies of the complete text of the proposed rate schedules on the size of the meter and/or ordinances are on file at the Department of Public U15 Monic Street, New London, CT, the City Clerk's Office, 181 State Street, New London CT and the New London Public Library, 63 Huntington Street, New London, CT The proposed increases, if approved will become effective July 1, 2024 WATER AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY ARTICLE IL-WATER 15 Masonic Street New London, CT 06320 Sec. 21-30 Charges for metered water Domestic New London Water Rates Quarterly Fee per 625-441000- $2.91 per 100 cu.ft. Meter Size in inches) Fee per Meter $1235 $14.54 $15.56 54339 $19.69 1% 5635 $30.04 $44.68 561-19 50976 594:45 $107.67 $183.05 527637 Meter Sire Sec-21-322-Charges-for-metered-water-furnished (x) Night soll Night soll dumping charges shall be as follows: (1) Charges for Waterford and New London customers shall be forty lars and six cents (446) per one thousand (1,000) 552.87 per 1000 (2) Charges for all other customers shall be sirty-six dollars and con-coats 1566-100-per-one thousand-1000-ins 579.32 per 1000 gallons, or any part thereof (b) Other liquid wastes. (3) Customers who have been subjected to bona fide emergency conditions upon request of their respective town sanitarian or town director of health, and upon verification by the executive director, may deliver non-septic raw age Minimum Per Six Months for treatment. They shall be charged bwenty-eight dollars and twenty cents (Each Metered Service)52200 thousand-0003-ons $33.0 per 1000 gallons, or any part $130.00 34 533458 155 Albumshotoske thereof, and an additional administrative charge of fifty-two dollars and fifty cents (552.500 per dumping visit regardless of the size of the load actually dumped. Such a condition must be reported to the authority at its next regu larly scheduled meeting. Such an arrangement may be granted by the director for no more than thirty (30) days. Any extension after that date must be approved by the authority (2) Customers who face a prolonged interim period of non-service, may request, through their respective town sanitarian or town director of health, to have non-septic raw sewage delivered for treatment. Approval of such an arrange ment will be on a case-by-case basis. Approval will be by vote of the authority who shall set a fee for such services as part of their approval Containers. All containers delivered to the sewage treatment plant shall be deemed full unless specific test apparatus is provided to permit verification of partial loading. Such test apparatus shall be approved by the executive director before credit for its use may be sought. Credit may be granted only when such partial loading has been verified and noted on the delivery slip by city personnel at the plant. ARTICLE V. - MUNICIPAL STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY 56:63 57.56 $1000 $11.49 $17.34 $31.34 54024 $45.30 54330 $77.18 Each day or portion-of-day - 1.000.00 513443 $153.25 5147:25 $281.89 ARTICLE IL SEWERS AND WASTEWATER DISPOSAL Sec. 21-301-Replacement fund surcharge for metered water. All water supplied and furnished by the city through metered services within the limits of the city shall be subject to a replacement fund surchargea follows, with the proceeds of such surcharge deposited in a separate fund established and maintained for the purpose of financing the replacement of the water distribution system in the city Quarterly, semiannual, or annual billing All usage -1,000-533 50.42 per 100 cu.ft. Sec. 21-31-Charges for unmetered private fire service For all unmetered private fire service connections, for customers within city limits, there shall be a quarterly charge as follows: Quarterly billing Charges for unmetered private fire service Size of Fire Connection On inches) % % 1 11/2 2 3 4 Sec. 23-33-Charge for unmetered private fire service connections outside city For all unmetered private fire service connections for customers outside the limits of the city, there shall be a quarterly charge, as follows: Quarterly billing Charge for unmetered private fire service connection outside the city Size of Fine Connection (in inches) Sec-21-34-Charge for less than 5639 59.34 $34.38 $21.43 $38.74 549.73 $56.69 58368 $95.40 $389.40 $348.37 $568.54 $83635 $1,062.44 For altered customers-taking less-than-a full year's service best charge of $25000 (a) There is hereby established a municipal storm mater fund WWPCA, acting for the city shall collect a storm water service fee from owners of each property and each condominium and each homeowner's asse ciation and each service connections for water and sewer not included above located within the city ()tially a flat fee shall be imposed in the amounts set forth on Schedule A attached to Ord. No. 06-18-18-2 and made a part hereof. The initial fund shall be used to: map the entire subsurface drain pipes and all outfalls; implement a public outreach program to educate the citizens of New London on impacts of storm water runoff and steps that can be taken to reduce it; implement and enforce an ordinance to prohibit unauthorized non-storm water discharges assess and rank catch basins based on criteria to be developed into categories for the city to determine problem areas outfall screening requirements and regular testing: develop short and long term maintenance plans with schedules to ensure performance to retain and fire experts to advise the city in the administration of the storm water management plan and to prepare reports for the state and federal governments Thereafter, subject to the approval of the city council, fees may be based upon any of the following criteria: (1) impervious area existing on the property as of March 1 of the year in which the fee is imposed, (2) classification of the property, or C) continuing with a flat rate and/or including undeveloped The fees stated above shall be collected in the same manner as other fees collected by the WWPCA and shall have the same priority, rights and bear the same interest and penalties, and be enforced in the same manner as such oth er fees. Any unpaid fee or portion thereof shall be a lien upon the real property for which it is imposed and shall have the same priority as a lien imposed for non-payment of real estate taxes SCHEDULE A QUARTERLY STORMWATER FEE 960 Residential, up to 1,000 SF. Residential, 1,001 S.F. to 2,000 SF....15:00 $19.95 Residential, 2,001 S.F. to 3,000 SF.... 22.50 $29.93 Residential, 3,001 S.F. and greater. 37.50 549.88 5805.36 The following categories are billed in increments of 100 S.F. LC. (0.1 REU) with a minimum quarterly charge of 1,000 SF. LC.(REU) Sec. 23-136-User charges-Class A Sec. 21-12. - Charges for metered water furnished outside city. Residential, four units and greater Sewer Rates (per Quarter) Commercial Charge per first 500 of of Use 57.99 59.56 Charge per additional 1,000 100 cf of Use $30-605475 Quarterly Fixed Meter Charge Industrial SALS Municipal $12.17 53234 $34.57 All other categories 59.98/1,000 SF.I.C. 59.98/1,000 SF.I.C 57.50 SR. 9/1,000 SF.L.C $1,000 SF.C 50/1000 SF.C 1960 30.98/2,000 SF.C Charges for metered water furnished outside the city 53600 $20.28 62354 Quarterly Fee per 1000-55 $2.52 per 100 cu.ft. Meter Size (in inches) Fee per Meter 51636 $17.99 51666 $19.22 $24.36 $37.18 $55.29 57567 50626 $11232 $128.04 519044 $226.45 530029 $342.33 $44.53 556:38 $67.66 $125.04 One residential equivalent unit (REU) 1,000 square feet of impervious Minimum quarterly fee is equal to one REU or 1,000 SF. Impervious cover (LC.) $396.07 5241:14 $289.37 Square feet (S.F.) $494.65 Sec. 23-144.- Discharging to sewerage system operation of night sell receptor station non-piped sewerage wastes. The city shall operate a night soll receptor station at the sewage treatment plant, This receptor station shall be the only location at which night soll may be introduced into the system. Only licensed septic pumping contractors holding current, unexpired permits issued by the New London Director of Health or the Waterford Director of Public Works shall be allowed to dump at the receptor station Rules and regulations governing hours of operation, cleanup standards etc., shall be issued periodically by the Superintendent of the treatment plant (Ord. No. 06-18-18-2,41) Dated at New London this day of 2024 City of New London Water & Water Pollution Control Authority Barry Weiner, Chairman CITY OF NEW LONDON Water & Water Pollution Control Authority NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Sec - 21-323 - Charges - for - metered - water - furnished - outside - ty Control Authority will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday , May 23 , 2024 at 6:30 teplied and furnished by the city through metered servi pm at the New London Senior Center , 10 Brainard Street , ( formerly 120 Broad Street - rear ) , New London , CT on proposed revisions to the existing Water & Water Pollution Control Authority Ordinance and the Rate Schedules . A hearing all users of water and sewer services , property owners serviced by Notice is hereby given that the City of New London , Water & Water Pollution Overterly billing the City of New London Water & Water Pollution Control Authority , and other First - the interested parties shall have an opportunity to be heard and written communi2000000 cations relative to the above will be received and conside The dollar amounts of the proposed increases to the existing rate schedules are set forth below . Copies of the complete text of the proposed rate schedules on the size of the meter and / or ordinances are on file at the Department of Public U15 Monic Street , New London , CT , the City Clerk's Office , 181 State Street , New London CT and the New London Public Library , 63 Huntington Street , New London , CT The proposed increases , if approved will become effective July 1 , 2024 WATER AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY ARTICLE IL - WATER 15 Masonic Street New London , CT 06320 Sec . 21-30 Charges for metered water Domestic New London Water Rates Quarterly Fee per 625-441000- $ 2.91 per 100 cu.ft. Meter Size in inches ) Fee per Meter $ 1235 $ 14.54 $ 15.56 54339 $ 19.69 1 % 5635 $ 30.04 $ 44.68 561-19 50976 594 : 45 $ 107.67 $ 183.05 527637 Meter Sire Sec - 21-322 - Charges - for - metered - water - furnished ( x ) Night soll Night soll dumping charges shall be as follows : ( 1 ) Charges for Waterford and New London customers shall be forty lars and six cents ( 446 ) per one thousand ( 1,000 ) 552.87 per 1000 ( 2 ) Charges for all other customers shall be sirty - six dollars and con - coats 1566-100 - per - one thousand - 1000 - ins 579.32 per 1000 gallons , or any part thereof ( b ) Other liquid wastes . ( 3 ) Customers who have been subjected to bona fide emergency conditions upon request of their respective town sanitarian or town director of health , and upon verification by the executive director , may deliver non - septic raw age Minimum Per Six Months for treatment . They shall be charged bwenty - eight dollars and twenty cents ( Each Metered Service ) 52200 thousand - 0003 - ons $ 33.0 per 1000 gallons , or any part $ 130.00 34 533458 155 Albumshotoske thereof , and an additional administrative charge of fifty - two dollars and fifty cents ( 552.500 per dumping visit regardless of the size of the load actually dumped . Such a condition must be reported to the authority at its next regu larly scheduled meeting . Such an arrangement may be granted by the director for no more than thirty ( 30 ) days . Any extension after that date must be approved by the authority ( 2 ) Customers who face a prolonged interim period of non - service , may request , through their respective town sanitarian or town director of health , to have non - septic raw sewage delivered for treatment . Approval of such an arrange ment will be on a case - by - case basis . Approval will be by vote of the authority who shall set a fee for such services as part of their approval Containers . All containers delivered to the sewage treatment plant shall be deemed full unless specific test apparatus is provided to permit verification of partial loading . Such test apparatus shall be approved by the executive director before credit for its use may be sought . Credit may be granted only when such partial loading has been verified and noted on the delivery slip by city personnel at the plant . ARTICLE V. - MUNICIPAL STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY 56:63 57.56 $ 1000 $ 11.49 $ 17.34 $ 31.34 54024 $ 45.30 54330 $ 77.18 Each day or portion - of - day - 1.000.00 513443 $ 153.25 5147 : 25 $ 281.89 ARTICLE IL SEWERS AND WASTEWATER DISPOSAL Sec . 21-301 - Replacement fund surcharge for metered water . All water supplied and furnished by the city through metered services within the limits of the city shall be subject to a replacement fund surchargea follows , with the proceeds of such surcharge deposited in a separate fund established and maintained for the purpose of financing the replacement of the water distribution system in the city Quarterly , semiannual , or annual billing All usage -1,000-533 50.42 per 100 cu.ft. Sec . 21-31 - Charges for unmetered private fire service For all unmetered private fire service connections , for customers within city limits , there shall be a quarterly charge as follows : Quarterly billing Charges for unmetered private fire service Size of Fire Connection On inches ) % % 1 11/2 2 3 4 Sec . 23-33 - Charge for unmetered private fire service connections outside city For all unmetered private fire service connections for customers outside the limits of the city , there shall be a quarterly charge , as follows : Quarterly billing Charge for unmetered private fire service connection outside the city Size of Fine Connection ( in inches ) Sec - 21-34 - Charge for less than 5639 59.34 $ 34.38 $ 21.43 $ 38.74 549.73 $ 56.69 58368 $ 95.40 $ 389.40 $ 348.37 $ 568.54 $ 83635 $ 1,062.44 For altered customers - taking less - than - a full year's service best charge of $ 25000 ( a ) There is hereby established a municipal storm mater fund WWPCA , acting for the city shall collect a storm water service fee from owners of each property and each condominium and each homeowner's asse ciation and each service connections for water and sewer not included above located within the city ( ) tially a flat fee shall be imposed in the amounts set forth on Schedule A attached to Ord . No. 06-18-18-2 and made a part hereof . The initial fund shall be used to : map the entire subsurface drain pipes and all outfalls ; implement a public outreach program to educate the citizens of New London on impacts of storm water runoff and steps that can be taken to reduce it ; implement and enforce an ordinance to prohibit unauthorized non - storm water discharges assess and rank catch basins based on criteria to be developed into categories for the city to determine problem areas outfall screening requirements and regular testing : develop short and long term maintenance plans with schedules to ensure performance to retain and fire experts to advise the city in the administration of the storm water management plan and to prepare reports for the state and federal governments Thereafter , subject to the approval of the city council , fees may be based upon any of the following criteria : ( 1 ) impervious area existing on the property as of March 1 of the year in which the fee is imposed , ( 2 ) classification of the property , or C ) continuing with a flat rate and / or including undeveloped The fees stated above shall be collected in the same manner as other fees collected by the WWPCA and shall have the same priority , rights and bear the same interest and penalties , and be enforced in the same manner as such oth er fees . Any unpaid fee or portion thereof shall be a lien upon the real property for which it is imposed and shall have the same priority as a lien imposed for non - payment of real estate taxes SCHEDULE A QUARTERLY STORMWATER FEE 960 Residential , up to 1,000 SF . Residential , 1,001 S.F. to 2,000 SF .... 15:00 $ 19.95 Residential , 2,001 S.F. to 3,000 SF .... 22.50 $ 29.93 Residential , 3,001 S.F. and greater . 37.50 549.88 5805.36 The following categories are billed in increments of 100 S.F. LC . ( 0.1 REU ) with a minimum quarterly charge of 1,000 SF . LC . ( REU ) Sec . 23-136 - User charges - Class A Sec . 21-12 . - Charges for metered water furnished outside city . Residential , four units and greater Sewer Rates ( per Quarter ) Commercial Charge per first 500 of of Use 57.99 59.56 Charge per additional 1,000 100 cf of Use $ 30-605475 Quarterly Fixed Meter Charge Industrial SALS Municipal $ 12.17 53234 $ 34.57 All other categories 59.98 / 1,000 SF.I.C. 59.98 / 1,000 SF.I.C 57.50 SR . 9 / 1,000 SF.L.C $ 1,000 SF.C 50/1000 SF.C 1960 30.98 / 2,000 SF.C Charges for metered water furnished outside the city 53600 $ 20.28 62354 Quarterly Fee per 1000-55 $ 2.52 per 100 cu.ft. Meter Size ( in inches ) Fee per Meter 51636 $ 17.99 51666 $ 19.22 $ 24.36 $ 37.18 $ 55.29 57567 50626 $ 11232 $ 128.04 519044 $ 226.45 530029 $ 342.33 $ 44.53 556 : 38 $ 67.66 $ 125.04 One residential equivalent unit ( REU ) 1,000 square feet of impervious Minimum quarterly fee is equal to one REU or 1,000 SF . Impervious cover ( LC . ) $ 396.07 5241 : 14 $ 289.37 Square feet ( S.F. ) $ 494.65 Sec . 23-144.- Discharging to sewerage system operation of night sell receptor station non - piped sewerage wastes . The city shall operate a night soll receptor station at the sewage treatment plant , This receptor station shall be the only location at which night soll may be introduced into the system . Only licensed septic pumping contractors holding current , unexpired permits issued by the New London Director of Health or the Waterford Director of Public Works shall be allowed to dump at the receptor station Rules and regulations governing hours of operation , cleanup standards etc. , shall be issued periodically by the Superintendent of the treatment plant ( Ord . No. 06-18-18-2,41 ) Dated at New London this day of 2024 City of New London Water & Water Pollution Control Authority Barry Weiner , Chairman