collaborative inclusive innovative . flexible Now hiring for several positions bankwide to add to our dynamic and diverse team. Visit us at The Day Job Fair Thursday, September 7th from 9am -1pm Hilton Mystic, 20 Coogan Blvd., Mystic. Or stop by our Center Groton Branch September 12th from 4 - 6 pm. Check out all of our career opportunities at 860-448-4200 | Equal Opportunity Employer Chelsea Groton Member fin FDIC collaborative inclusive innovative . flexible Now hiring for several positions bankwide to add to our dynamic and diverse team . Visit us at The Day Job Fair Thursday , September 7th from 9am -1pm Hilton Mystic , 20 Coogan Blvd. , Mystic . Or stop by our Center Groton Branch September 12th from 4 - 6 pm . Check out all of our career opportunities at . 860-448-4200 | Equal Opportunity Employer Chelsea Groton Member fin FDIC