ROTARY CLUB OF NEW HAVEN Presents Antiques Appraisal Fundraiser! 10am-2pm Saturday October 2, 2021 Branford Antiques & Home Design 824 East Main Street in Branford $10 for the first item appraisal $5 for each additional item appraised $20 donation for a Rotary-opoly game and one item appraisal Three Professional appraisers with over 100 years of Experience! Join us to get your antiques appraised and support the charitable works of the Rotary Club of New Haven! Refreshments Jewelry Artwork Small Furniture Glassware & Raffles! Toys Games Memorabilia Collectibles Tools ... and more! Rotary For questions about the event contact Matt at 203-640-8460 For questions about the antiques appraisal process contact Hans at 203-488-1919 ROTARY CLUB OF NEW HAVEN Presents Antiques Appraisal Fundraiser! 10am-2pm Saturday October 2, 2021 Branford Antiques & Home Design 824 East Main Street in Branford $10 for the first item appraisal $5 for each additional item appraised $20 donation for a Rotary-opoly game and one item appraisal Three Professional appraisers with over 100 years of Experience! Join us to get your antiques appraised and support the charitable works of the Rotary Club of New Haven! Refreshments Jewelry Artwork Small Furniture Glassware & Raffles! Toys Games Memorabilia Collectibles Tools ... and more! Rotary For questions about the event contact Matt at 203-640-8460 For questions about the antiques appraisal process contact Hans at 203-488-1919