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    September 18, 2019
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PERSONAL TRAINING&GROUPS Small Group Programs & Private Instruction - Train like the Pros! SPEED TRAINING STRENGTH & CONDITIONING Olympic-Style Lifting (Power Cleans, Cleans, Snatches, etc.) Proper Sprint Running Mechanics Speed & Agility Drills Plyometric Exercises "Resistance Trainer" Strength/Power/Sports-Specific TRX Suspension Trainer Safe Spotting Techniques "Doubleman Overspeed Trainer" WINNER HANK DROUGHT Thank you to BEST MS, CSCS* D, NSCA-CPT*D, ACSM EP-C our voters for Recipient, 2017 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement 1t place under Shoreline 2019 Award, Awarded NSCA "Personal Trainer of the Year", Selected "100 Best Trainers in America" Men's Journal Voted, "Best of New Haven" Personal Trainer, CTNOW, Over 40 years' experience! Personal Zipo6 Reader Picks Trainer strength& conditioning 203-245-1199 PERSONAL TRAINING&GROUPS Small Group Programs & Private Instruction - Train like the Pros! SPEED TRAINING STRENGTH & CONDITIONING Olympic-Style Lifting (Power Cleans, Cleans, Snatches, etc.) Proper Sprint Running Mechanics Speed & Agility Drills Plyometric Exercises "Resistance Trainer" Strength/Power/Sports-Specific TRX Suspension Trainer Safe Spotting Techniques "Doubleman Overspeed Trainer" WINNER HANK DROUGHT Thank you to BEST MS, CSCS* D, NSCA-CPT*D, ACSM EP-C our voters for Recipient, 2017 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement 1t place under Shoreline 2019 Award, Awarded NSCA "Personal Trainer of the Year", Selected "100 Best Trainers in America" Men's Journal Voted, "Best of New Haven" Personal Trainer, CTNOW, Over 40 years' experience! Personal Zipo6 Reader Picks Trainer strength& conditioning 203-245-1199