Easter at Ledyard Congregational Church United Church of Christ Palm Sunday 9:30 am Maundy Thursday 7:30 pm Easter Sunrise Service 7:00 am at the Outdoor Chapel on Route 117 opposite Church Hill Rd, Easter Egg Hunt following, and breakfast at the church. Easter Celebration Service 9:30 am with Easter Egg Hunt and refreshments following. Whoever you are; Wherever you are on life's journey; You are welcome here https://ledyardcongregational.org/ f https://www.facebook.com/ledyardcongregational 860-464-9926 ledyard.cong.church@snet.net 722 Colonel Ledyard Highway, Ledyard CT Easter at Ledyard Congregational Church United Church of Christ Palm Sunday 9:30 am Maundy Thursday 7:30 pm Easter Sunrise Service 7:00 am at the Outdoor Chapel on Route 117 opposite Church Hill Rd, Easter Egg Hunt following, and breakfast at the church. Easter Celebration Service 9:30 am with Easter Egg Hunt and refreshments following. Whoever you are; Wherever you are on life's journey; You are welcome here https://ledyardcongregational.org/ f https://www.facebook.com/ledyardcongregational 860-464-9926 ledyard.cong.church@snet.net 722 Colonel Ledyard Highway, Ledyard CT