We Can Help Now! DIAL 2-1-1 Mobile Crisis: Is an intervention service for children and youth in crisis. Is staffed with Crisis Cinicians that are available immediately. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in person or by phone. Helps resolve behavioral/emotional crises, at home, in school, whenever help is needed. 2-1-1 is a toll-free, confidential service connecting people to the health and human services they need. Follow with prompts 1-1 for Mobile Crisis Intervention Services When you call 2-1-1, you will be Is your child in crisis? Do you need immediate help with: A child who is angry and out of control? A child who is destroying property, breaking the law, or doing things that are life threatening? A child who is threatening to hurt him/herself or others? Any behavioral crisis involving a youth? connected with Mobile Crisis DIAL 2-1-1 to get help NOW! United Way 2-11 Connecticut Mobile Crisis Intervention Service is a program funded by the State of Connecticut in partnership with United Way of Connecticut 2-1-1. mobilecrisisempsct.org This ad sponsored by Guilford Youth & Family Services Grd hemty lerv We Can Help Now! DIAL 2-1-1 Mobile Crisis: Is an intervention service for children and youth in crisis. Is staffed with Crisis Cinicians that are available immediately. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in person or by phone. Helps resolve behavioral/emotional crises, at home, in school, whenever help is needed. 2-1-1 is a toll-free, confidential service connecting people to the health and human services they need. Follow with prompts 1-1 for Mobile Crisis Intervention Services When you call 2-1-1, you will be Is your child in crisis? Do you need immediate help with: A child who is angry and out of control? A child who is destroying property, breaking the law, or doing things that are life threatening? A child who is threatening to hurt him/herself or others? Any behavioral crisis involving a youth? connected with Mobile Crisis DIAL 2-1-1 to get help NOW! United Way 2-11 Connecticut Mobile Crisis Intervention Service is a program funded by the State of Connecticut in partnership with United Way of Connecticut 2-1-1. mobilecrisisempsct.org This ad sponsored by Guilford Youth & Family Services Grd hemty lerv