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    June 9, 2024
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CALL TO ACTION ON CLIMATE: Governor Lamont and Legislative Leaders Must Act Now. THERE IS No PLANET B HUMAN CHANGE FOR CLIMATE PLE CHANGE VER ROFIT 1 EARTH HANCE PEOPLE OVER PROFIT PEOPLE OVER HERE IS NO THERE IS NO PLANET PLANET B The Connecticut General Assembly considered important climate legislation this year. The bill passed in the House but, despite overwhelming support with 71 legislative co-sponsors, it was not acted on in the Senate. Our leaders' inaction comes at a cost: heatwaves, droughts, and floods threaten our health, economy, and environment. Our communities are already feeling the impacts of climate change, and it will only get worse without action. We have an opportunity to address this crisis RIGHT NOW. Let the Governor and legislative leaders know you want immediate action on climate change. ASK GOVERNOR LAMONT AND LEGISLATIVE LEADERS TO CONVENE A SPECIAL SESSION TO PASS CLIMATE LEGISLATION NOW! GOVERNOR NED LAMONT (860) 566-4840, EXT. 1 GOVERNOR.LAMONT@CT.GOV SENATE PRESIDENT MARTIN LOONEY (860) 240-0375 MARTIN.LOONEY@CGA.CT.GOV HOUSE SPEAKER MATT RITTER (860) 240-8585 MATTHEW.RITTER@CGA.CT.GOV SCAN TO TAKE ACTION CONNECTICUT LEAGUE OF CONSERVATION VOTERS GET INVOLVED AT CTLCV.ORG Paid for by the Connecticut League of Conservation Veters (CTLCV) CTLCV advocates for environmental protection at the State Capitol CALL TO ACTION ON CLIMATE : Governor Lamont and Legislative Leaders Must Act Now . THERE IS No PLANET B HUMAN CHANGE FOR CLIMATE PLE CHANGE VER ROFIT 1 EARTH HANCE PEOPLE OVER PROFIT PEOPLE OVER HERE IS NO THERE IS NO PLANET PLANET B The Connecticut General Assembly considered important climate legislation this year . The bill passed in the House but , despite overwhelming support with 71 legislative co - sponsors , it was not acted on in the Senate . Our leaders ' inaction comes at a cost : heatwaves , droughts , and floods threaten our health , economy , and environment . Our communities are already feeling the impacts of climate change , and it will only get worse without action . We have an opportunity to address this crisis RIGHT NOW . Let the Governor and legislative leaders know you want immediate action on climate change . ASK GOVERNOR LAMONT AND LEGISLATIVE LEADERS TO CONVENE A SPECIAL SESSION TO PASS CLIMATE LEGISLATION NOW ! GOVERNOR NED LAMONT ( 860 ) 566-4840 , EXT . 1 GOVERNOR.LAMONT@CT.GOV SENATE PRESIDENT MARTIN LOONEY ( 860 ) 240-0375 MARTIN.LOONEY@CGA.CT.GOV HOUSE SPEAKER MATT RITTER ( 860 ) 240-8585 MATTHEW.RITTER@CGA.CT.GOV SCAN TO TAKE ACTION CONNECTICUT LEAGUE OF CONSERVATION VOTERS GET INVOLVED AT CTLCV.ORG Paid for by the Connecticut League of Conservation Veters ( CTLCV ) CTLCV advocates for environmental protection at the State Capitol