Want to Finish Your Novel or Write that Great Idea? or Spit-shine Your Book for Publication? PRIVATE WRITERS WORKSHOP IN GUILFORD LOOKING FOR NEW BLOOD. Multi-published writer and editor leads small group. 15 years running, numerous completed novels. Weekly group meetings focus on your work and defeat writer's block. 10-session blocks make it easy to come and go for your schedule. Bo tho uriter you'ive dreawed of The lshap all zet you tere JOIN US: Submit a letter, chapter or synopsis to Dolph at dlemoult@comcast.net Want to Finish Your Novel or Write that Great Idea? or Spit-shine Your Book for Publication? PRIVATE WRITERS WORKSHOP IN GUILFORD LOOKING FOR NEW BLOOD. Multi-published writer and editor leads small group. 15 years running, numerous completed novels. Weekly group meetings focus on your work and defeat writer's block. 10-session blocks make it easy to come and go for your schedule. Bo tho uriter you'ive dreawed of The lshap all zet you tere JOIN US: Submit a letter, chapter or synopsis to Dolph at dlemoult@comcast.net