meineke OIL PACKAGE SAVINGS DOING CAR CARE RIGNT SAVE ON SERVICE S10 OFF $24 95 $2995 SYTHC $4495 $50 OFF BRAKES We reward smart decisions. ANY SERCE oitasoo ANY SERICE oveR 10 BLEND PACKAGE $25 OFF HIGH MILEAGE PACKAGE GROTON BASIC OIL CHANGE 266 Bridge St. (860) 445-6743 $50 OFF MY SERVICE 40 Years Serving the People of New London County! FULL SYNTHETIC $4995PACKAGE NEW LONDON 665 Broad St. up to 5 quarts of and sndrd trnuded oront andor $25 off mar trke erc ywhuche d brke adshos whe ed e Servce mut incude ay 1 te ye Ber godo a pats and snices may net. a co M Dcu y png e pr e ere ot ve w ay ner aes1 orwaranty vi sstol hop change inctud andart o er and up to sqa o s00 covetional or theicbnd O ye and or EMo setors ole at an bd ane my yby ooon Soeca don cont Nt vald on conetonl or o nd e e nao cooe hem Sele Bend apples to S00 and S01 n t a and igt ths t patcpng vts Offer ad mt can and igt k at Mend otons Dans yt n oe er serce per vehcle an Oeeer service ser veo ay er s o wayIt d w r eca r ww eso hop soles dp s y y vice Aoso lesor uos e no can and mt be y ols Coupone hocan e and mus ef eime See the cnemge rany adoton dwre obd u Notd on the salear tin bate r apecal order parts Oer vald on mt s and ght tcks (960) 4430322 atcpeting Manee clo Ocus pply to re priong One er per se per vehicle ald w ay oher offe ecal er art or a sece Aal hop soples dp ay ly o a vale and e ate f en See the oter ge t any ao od whe Lmbed se ue NORWICH 74W. Thames St-Route 32 (860) 889-8287 o e ued Meneke oo Docourits ay m TIME TO GET YOUR CAR READY FOR WINTER! SEE MANAGER FOR DETAILS We are open Saturday until 4:00pm pret me of tmate See e conr oples or dposal to may apply Coupons have no manag t any addona Ve wh ash ae and mut be preted at teofl tt prohbed L me e NATIONWIDE LIFETIME WARRANTY Special Financing olab ecy Sutecr to oedit oprol See potiopotingome for detal see thecener mager bor any addoea I wher red uned ne o Ve VISA meineke meineke meineke meineke d7327 meineke OIL PACKAGE SAVINGS DOING CAR CARE RIGNT SAVE ON SERVICE S10 OFF $24 95 $2995 SYTHC $4495 $50 OFF BRAKES We reward smart decisions. ANY SERCE oitasoo ANY SERICE oveR 10 BLEND PACKAGE $25 OFF HIGH MILEAGE PACKAGE GROTON BASIC OIL CHANGE 266 Bridge St. (860) 445-6743 $50 OFF MY SERVICE 40 Years Serving the People of New London County! FULL SYNTHETIC $4995PACKAGE NEW LONDON 665 Broad St. up to 5 quarts of and sndrd trnuded oront andor $25 off mar trke erc ywhuche d brke adshos whe ed e Servce mut incude ay 1 te ye Ber godo a pats and snices may net. a co M Dcu y png e pr e ere ot ve w ay ner aes1 orwaranty vi sstol hop change inctud andart o er and up to sqa o s00 covetional or theicbnd O ye and or EMo setors ole at an bd ane my yby ooon Soeca don cont Nt vald on conetonl or o nd e e nao cooe hem Sele Bend apples to S00 and S01 n t a and igt ths t patcpng vts Offer ad mt can and igt k at Mend otons Dans yt n oe er serce per vehcle an Oeeer service ser veo ay er s o wayIt d w r eca r ww eso hop soles dp s y y vice Aoso lesor uos e no can and mt be y ols Coupone hocan e and mus ef eime See the cnemge rany adoton dwre obd u Notd on the salear tin bate r apecal order parts Oer vald on mt s and ght tcks (960) 4430322 atcpeting Manee clo Ocus pply to re priong One er per se per vehicle ald w ay oher offe ecal er art or a sece Aal hop soples dp ay ly o a vale and e ate f en See the oter ge t any ao od whe Lmbed se ue NORWICH 74W. Thames St-Route 32 (860) 889-8287 o e ued Meneke oo Docourits ay m TIME TO GET YOUR CAR READY FOR WINTER! SEE MANAGER FOR DETAILS We are open Saturday until 4:00pm pret me of tmate See e conr oples or dposal to may apply Coupons have no manag t any addona Ve wh ash ae and mut be preted at teofl tt prohbed L me e NATIONWIDE LIFETIME WARRANTY Special Financing olab ecy Sutecr to oedit oprol See potiopotingome for detal see thecener mager bor any addoea I wher red uned ne o Ve VISA meineke meineke meineke meineke d7327