CITY OF GROTON Utilities Commission / Water Pollution Control Authority NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of Groton Utilities Commission / Water Pollution Control Authority will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, at 5:00 P.M. prevailing time at the Municipal Building, 295 Meridian Street, Groton, Connecticut, on proposed sewer rate schedules. At this hearing, all consumers of water, property owners serviced by the Water Division, City of Groton, Department of Utilities, and other interested persons shall have an opportunity to be heard, and written communications relative to the above will be received and considered. GROTON UTILITIES 295 Meridian Street, Groton, Connecticut 06340 RATE SCHEDULE FOR ALL SEWER SERVICE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF GROTON SERVICE TERRITORY BILLED ON AND AFTER FEBRUARY 1, 2025 BILLED ON AND AFTER FEBRUARY 1, 2026, AND BILLED ON AND AFTER FEBRUARY 1, 2027 AVAILABILITY: Year-Round Sewer Service for use in a single or multi-family dwelling, business, or industrial establishment. 1. MONTHLY RATE IS THE SUM OF THE SERVICE CHARGE AND THE CONSUMPTION CHARGE: a. The Monthly SERVICE CHARGE is based on meter size: Service Charges Meter Size February 1, 2025 February 1, 2026 February 1, 2027 5/8" $12.65 $13.65 $14.65 3/4" $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 1" $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 1.5" $47.00 $47.00 $47.00 2" $75.20 $75.20 $75.20 3" $204.00 $207.00 $210.00 4" $342.00 $360.00 $378.00 6" $650.00 $683.00 $720.00 8" $1,185.00 $1,245.00 $1,310.00 10" or Larger $1,950.00 $2,050.00 $2,150.00 b. The Monthly CONSUMPTION CHARGE is based on the number of Cubic Feet (CF) recorded on the water meter during the billing month in accordance with this schedule: Consumption Consumption Charge-Cubic Feet (CF) Per Month February 1, 2025 $0.0563 $0.0601 Deduct Metering Credit | $(0.0563) First 300 CF Additional CF February 1, 2026 February 1, 2027 $0.0563 $0.0563 $0.0642 $0.0686 $(0.0563) $(0.0563) c. The DEDUCT METERING CREDIT shall be based on the number of Cubic Feet (CF) recorded on an approved (see Groton Utilities Rules and Regulations) deduct meter during the billing month in accordance with the schedule above. 2. TERM OF SERVICE: One (1) year and thereafter until thirty (30) days written notice of termination. A longer term may be required for an extensive installation. 3. RULES AND REGULATIONS: The Department governing service hereunder as to application for service, character of service, connection, seasonal service, disconnection, reconnection, termination, etc., are on file within the Department. Copies of the complete text of the proposed rate schedules are on file at the offices of the Director of Utilities and the City Clerk at the City of Groton Municipal Building, 295 Meridian Street, Groton, Connecticut, and are available for public inspection. Dated, at Groton, Connecticut, this 28th day of October 2025. City of Groton Utilities Commission Keith Hedrick, Chairperson CITY OF GROTON Utilities Commission / Water Pollution Control Authority NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City of Groton Utilities Commission / Water Pollution Control Authority will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday , November 13 , 2024 , at 5:00 P.M. prevailing time at the Municipal Building , 295 Meridian Street , Groton , Connecticut , on proposed sewer rate schedules . At this hearing , all consumers of water , property owners serviced by the Water Division , City of Groton , Department of Utilities , and other interested persons shall have an opportunity to be heard , and written communications relative to the above will be received and considered . GROTON UTILITIES 295 Meridian Street , Groton , Connecticut 06340 RATE SCHEDULE FOR ALL SEWER SERVICE LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF GROTON SERVICE TERRITORY BILLED ON AND AFTER FEBRUARY 1 , 2025 BILLED ON AND AFTER FEBRUARY 1 , 2026 , AND BILLED ON AND AFTER FEBRUARY 1 , 2027 AVAILABILITY : Year - Round Sewer Service for use in a single or multi - family dwelling , business , or industrial establishment . 1. MONTHLY RATE IS THE SUM OF THE SERVICE CHARGE AND THE CONSUMPTION CHARGE : a . The Monthly SERVICE CHARGE is based on meter size : Service Charges Meter Size February 1 , 2025 February 1 , 2026 February 1 , 2027 5/8 " $ 12.65 $ 13.65 $ 14.65 3/4 " $ 17.00 $ 17.00 $ 17.00 1 " $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 25.00 1.5 " $ 47.00 $ 47.00 $ 47.00 2 " $ 75.20 $ 75.20 $ 75.20 3 " $ 204.00 $ 207.00 $ 210.00 4 " $ 342.00 $ 360.00 $ 378.00 6 " $ 650.00 $ 683.00 $ 720.00 8 " $ 1,185.00 $ 1,245.00 $ 1,310.00 10 " or Larger $ 1,950.00 $ 2,050.00 $ 2,150.00 b . The Monthly CONSUMPTION CHARGE is based on the number of Cubic Feet ( CF ) recorded on the water meter during the billing month in accordance with this schedule : Consumption Consumption Charge - Cubic Feet ( CF ) Per Month February 1 , 2025 $ 0.0563 $ 0.0601 Deduct Metering Credit | $ ( 0.0563 ) First 300 CF Additional CF February 1 , 2026 February 1 , 2027 $ 0.0563 $ 0.0563 $ 0.0642 $ 0.0686 $ ( 0.0563 ) $ ( 0.0563 ) c . The DEDUCT METERING CREDIT shall be based on the number of Cubic Feet ( CF ) recorded on an approved ( see Groton Utilities Rules and Regulations ) deduct meter during the billing month in accordance with the schedule above . 2. TERM OF SERVICE : One ( 1 ) year and thereafter until thirty ( 30 ) days written notice of termination . A longer term may be required for an extensive installation . 3. RULES AND REGULATIONS : The Department governing service hereunder as to application for service , character of service , connection , seasonal service , disconnection , reconnection , termination , etc. , are on file within the Department . Copies of the complete text of the proposed rate schedules are on file at the offices of the Director of Utilities and the City Clerk at the City of Groton Municipal Building , 295 Meridian Street , Groton , Connecticut , and are available for public inspection . Dated , at Groton , Connecticut , this 28th day of October 2025 . City of Groton Utilities Commission Keith Hedrick , Chairperson