GOOD FRIDAY April 15th 7:00 p.m. SEVEN LAST WORDS OF JESUS Vocal Ensemble, Strings, Scripture, and Handbells This service is in-person and live on Facebook. Saint David's EPISCOPAL CHURCH 284 STODDARDS WHARF RD., GALES FERRY, CT, 06355 860-464-6516 www.SAINTDAVIDSGF.ORG GOOD FRIDAY April 15th 7:00 p.m. SEVEN LAST WORDS OF JESUS Vocal Ensemble, Strings, Scripture, and Handbells This service is in-person and live on Facebook. Saint David's EPISCOPAL CHURCH 284 STODDARDS WHARF RD., GALES FERRY, CT, 06355 860-464-6516 www.SAINTDAVIDSGF.ORG