Memberships are filling up quickly! Premier facilities and course conditions. New pool, pool house and pickleball coming soon to the club! Connecticut's Newest Private Golf Club FOXHOPYARD.COM Lock into Charter Membership initiation fees before December 31 and SAVE! Play the balance of 2023 at prorated dues. Open House Sun., Oct. 8th / 11AM-3PM Come visit with the Fox Hopyard team and see what everyone is talking about... Learn about membership details, club programs and services, expansions of amenities and even golf course living. RSVP for Open House and/or set up a site visit with Ron Beck at Looking forward to seeing you soon! Fox Hopyard Golf Club EAST HADDAM, CT ONE HOPYARD RD EAST HADDAM, CT FOXHOPYARD.COM Memberships are filling up quickly ! Premier facilities and course conditions . New pool , pool house and pickleball coming soon to the club ! Connecticut's Newest Private Golf Club FOXHOPYARD.COM Lock into Charter Membership initiation fees before December 31 and SAVE ! Play the balance of 2023 at prorated dues . Open House Sun. , Oct. 8th / 11 AM-3PM Come visit with the Fox Hopyard team and see what everyone is talking about ... Learn about membership details , club programs and services , expansions of amenities and even golf course living . RSVP for Open House and / or set up a site visit with Ron Beck at Looking forward to seeing you soon ! Fox Hopyard Golf Club EAST HADDAM , CT ONE HOPYARD RD EAST HADDAM , CT FOXHOPYARD.COM