
The ONLY Republican Who Can Beat Joe Courtney MILITARY CAREER 30 years in the Connecticut Army National Guard; 8 years enlisted, 22 years as an officer 4 deployments after 9/11: two combat tours in Afghanistan: earned Combat Infantry Badge after conducting air assault operations to clear Taliban villages 21 years in the Infantry 5 years teaching at Officer Candidate School: 3 years as instructor, 2 years as Commander, training soldiers to be officers and leaders for the US Army 1 year as the CT State Planner and Leader of the Homeland Response Force: An anti-terrorism response team to combat chemical, biological, radiation, nuclear or high-explosive attacks throughout the New England region​ Justin left his position as a State Intelligence Operations Specialist to pursue a new battlefront – our future – representing Connecticut’s 2nd Congressional District. ​ CIVILIAN CAREER 20 years as a correctional officer in a maximum security prison (retired 2013) 7 years on the Correctional Special Operations Group as a facilities hostage rescue team member and transportation team member for high risk inmates Current member on the Planning and Zoning Commission of East Haddam, CT. Military Liaison Officer to the Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (Region 1 Office); ensuring commercial and federal stocks of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are distributed through the regional emergency regions to the local municipalities

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