Now is the Time ..... CALL Before They Leaf-Out! Residential & Commercial Howard Tree Service Over 30 Years' Experience Nothing is impossible! Keeping you safe from falling limbs & trees is our specialty. Tree Removal Excavating Stump Grinding 75+ Bucket Truck Climbers Firewood CALL NOW ZIPOR'S OFFICIAL COMMUNITY CHOICE A BEST ON THE Shoreline ZIPOE'S OFFICIAL 2023 1ST PLACE COMMUNITY CHOICE AWARDS COMMUNITY BEST ON THE FREE Estimate! Shoreline 860.663.3736 2022 860-388-8139 (cell) Fully Insured f Now is the Time ..... CALL Before They Leaf - Out ! Residential & Commercial Howard Tree Service Over 30 Years ' Experience Nothing is impossible ! Keeping you safe from falling limbs & trees is our specialty . Tree Removal Excavating Stump Grinding 75+ Bucket Truck Climbers Firewood CALL NOW ZIPOR'S OFFICIAL COMMUNITY CHOICE A BEST ON THE Shoreline ZIPOE'S OFFICIAL 2023 1ST PLACE COMMUNITY CHOICE AWARDS COMMUNITY BEST ON THE FREE Estimate ! Shoreline 860.663.3736 2022 860-388-8139 ( cell ) Fully Insured f