
Welcome to Mike Conroy'ss American Martial Arts. For years Mike Conroy.s American Martial Arts has been one of the top Karate schools. Our school instills discipline and confidence into each and every student. American Martial Arts is the place that has built Champions and this legacy still holds true today. American Martial Arts Karate Studio offers both children and adults the opportunity to master more than just mixed martial arts. Our styles of martial arts include: Tae Kwon Do, Aikido, Judo, Ju-jitsu, and Sport Karate. With 3 studio rooms this dojo also offers cardio kickboxing as well as a fully equipped gym and boxing ring. This facility is perfect to train the whole family. Instructor Master Mike Conroy and his staff work with each student to insure they work to their full potential and excel in all that they wish to achieve. American Martial Arts has a strong history of students who have won countless awards and Grand Championships in events such as Forms, Weapons and Sparring.

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